University Strike

Across Britain, there’s a university strike going on, and Durham is one of 60 universities participating in this strike. It has to do with new regulations or founding rules which would eliminate something ridiculous like a third of pension entitlement for university staff.

Rightfully so, many teachers and lecturers are striking.

I support their right and decision to strike. That’s totally fine. Fight for what you believe in!

However, it does make things difficult for me, as a student who does not actually live in Durham. As someone who has to drive 45 minutes to get to lectures and as there is no policy which requires teachers or lecturers to give notice that they’re striking, I’m having a hard time figuring out if it’s worth the price in petrol (which due to a new car to replace my un-MOT-passable car, is nearing £10 a trip to Durham and back) to get there and find out the lecture is cancelled.

My tutors have been fantastically communicative, and let us know in advance whether or not the sessions are on. Only one of them so far has cancelled, which is fine as they are the more valuable aspects of my education. Some of my lecturers have let us know, but others haven’t.

I see the pros and cons for their decisions, and I understand why they might not be as communicative as I’d like for them to be. But it’s pretty rough from my perspective.

One thought on “University Strike

  1. Pingback: Strike Action: It happened | Scribing English All Over The Place

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